Horizon 2020 Bio économie : Appel à projets 2017
Publié le 14/11/2016
- Sécurité alimentaire durable
- Croissance bleue
- Bio-innovation pour des produits et services durables
- Renaissance rurale
La date limite de soumission est fixée au 14 février 2017 !
La cellule Europe est disponible pour vous accompagner dans la recherche de consortium et la réponse aux appels à projets
Certains de ces appels présentent un fort intérêt pour les équipes locales notamment ceux en sécurité alimentaire durable.
Sécurité alimentaire durable
· Appels en une étape
SFS-04-2017: New partnerships and tools to enhance European capacities for in-situ conservation
SFS-05-2017: Robotics Advances for Precision Farming
SFS-13-2017: Validation of diagnostic tools for animal and plant health
SFS-18-2017: Support to the development and implementation of FOOD 2030 - a European research and innovation policy framework for food and nutrition security
SFS-19-2016-2017: ERA-NET Cofund: Public-Public Partnerships in the bioeconomy
SFS-22-2017: Smart fisheries technologies for an efficient, compliant and environmentally friendly fishing sector
SFS-35-2017: Innovative solutions for sustainable food packaging
SFS-36-2017: Co-fund on "One Health" (zoonoses – emerging threats)
SFS-43-2017: Earth observation services for the monitoring of agricultural production in Africa
SFS-48-2017: Resource-efficient urban agriculture for multiple benefits – contribution to the EU-China Urbanisation Partnership
SFS-49-2017: Better understanding the challenges facing agriculture and the impacts of policies - A European platform to support modelling in agriculture
SFS-50-2017: Supporting international cooperation activities on agriculture soil contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation
· Appels en deux étapes
SFS-07-2016-2017: Organic breeding – Increasing the competitiveness of the organic breeding and farming sectors
SFS-08-2017: Organic inputs – contentious inputs in organic farming
SFS-10-2017: Research and approaches for emerging diseases and pests in plants and terrestrial livestock
SFS-15-2016-2017: Breeding livestock for resilience and efficiency
SFS-16-2017: Bee health and sustainable pollination
SFS-17-2017: Innovations in plant protection
SFS-20-2017: Towards a science-based regionalisation of the Common Fisheries Policy
SFS-21-2016-2017: Advancing basic biological knowledge and improving management tools for commercially important fish and other seafood species
SFS-27-2017: Permanent grassland – farming systems and policies
SFS-28-2017: Functional biodiversity – productivity gains through functional biodiversity: effective interplay of crop pollinators and pest predators
SFS-29-2017: Socio-eco-economics – socio-economics in ecological approaches
SFS-30-2017: Closing loops at farm and regional levels to mitigate GHG emissions and environmental contamination - focus on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in agro-ecosystems
SFS-32-2017: Promoting and supporting the eco-intensification of aquaculture production systems: inland (including fresh water), coastal zone, and offshore
SFS-34-2017: Innovative agri-food chains: unlocking the potential for competitiveness and sustainability
SFS-39-2017: How to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic?
SFS-40-2017: Sweeteners and sweetness enhancers
SFS-46-2017: Alternative production system to address anti-microbial drug usage, animal welfare and the impact on health
SFS-47-2017: Management of soil water resources in the EU and China and its impact on agro-ecosystem functions
Croissance bleue
· Tous les appels sont en 1 étape
BG-02-2016-2017: High value-added specialised vessel concepts enabling more efficient servicing of emerging coastal and offshore activities
BG-04-2017: Multi-use of the oceans marine space, offshore and near-shore: Enabling technologies
BG-06-2017: Interaction between people, oceans and seas: a strategic approach towards healthcare and well-being
BG-07-2017: Blue green innovation for clean coasts and seas
BG-08-2017: Innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood
BG-11-2017: The effect of climate change on Arctic permafrost and its socio-economic impact, with a focus on coastal areas
BG-14-2017: Monitoring and assessing fish stocks, other pelagic species and habitats with an automated, non-invasive, opto-acoustic system.
Bio-innovation pour des produits et services durables
· Appels en 1 étape
BB-05-2017: Bio-based products: Mobilisation and mutual learning action plan
BB-07-2017: Plant Molecular Factory
BB-08-2017: Strategies for improving the bioeconomy knowledge of the general public
· Appels en 2 étapes
BB-02-2017: Towards a method for the collection of statistical data on bio-based industries and bio-based products
BB-03-2017: Adaptive tree breeding strategies and tools for forest production systems resilient to climate change and natural disturbances
Renaissance rurale
· Appels en 1 étape
RUR-05-2017: Novel public policies, business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services
RUR-10-2016-2017: Thematic Networks compiling knowledge ready for practice
RUR-12-2017: Networking European farms to boost thematic knowledge exchanges and close the innovation gap
RUR-15-2017: The benefits of working with others – fostering social capital in the farming sector
· Appels en 2 étapes
RUR-02-2017: Coastal-rural interactions: Enhancing synergies between land and sea-based activities
RUR-03-2017: Towards 2030 - policies and decision support tools for an integrated approach to the management of land as a resource
RUR-09-2017: Business models for modern rural economies
RUR-13-2017: Building a future science and education system fit to deliver to practic
RUR-16-2017: Optimising interactive innovation project approaches and the delivery of EU policies to speed up innovation in rural areas
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(Fonds Européen de Développement Régional)
(Fonds Européen de Développement Régional)